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manual therapy & osteopathy

MANUAL THERAPY and Osteopathy

 My main focus is to get you moving and feeling better. I value clear communication and use hands on techniques to get you feeling optimal and back doing the things you love. 


Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine  technique that has been used for thousands of years to assist in immune health, detoxification and pain relief. I integrate cupping with movement to encourage increase mobility and range of motion  

Mobility Training

Trained under the Function Range Conditioning platform (FRC) I integrate joint mobility techniques to optimize the true range of motion your body needs to prevent injury and perform its best.


Benefits of Manual Therapy are abundant, and can help with aspects of health and well-being you may not expect.


Decreasing pain & stress, increasing range of motion, improving nervous system function & increasing blood flow and lymphatic flow to assist with the movement of nutrients that help heal the body, to name a few.


  • Pain– Neck, Back, Body

  • Headaches

  • Athletic Performance and Recovery

  • Whiplash

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents 

  • Muscle Strains & Aches

  • Ligament Sprains

  • Pre & Post Surgery 

  • Anxiety and/or Depression

  • Poor Posture

  • Persistent Pain

Massage Anchor
Manual Osteo
Sports Injury


Manual Osteopathic Therapy utilizes thorough assessment protocols with manual therapy techniques to bring balance back to the body.


Searching for the root cause of the body's pain and/or dysfunction is always the priority. This can be achieved by looking at both the body's structure and its function.


Osteopathic Practitioners treat a wide variety of health conditions through the many systems of the body, including but not limited to musculoskeletal pain, vascular imbalances, nerve pain and dysfunction, and the visceral (organ) systems.



Much like manual therapy, cupping helps to decrease pain. Your nervous system suppresses pain receptors when a stimulus (the cups) are applied to the area. 


The negative pressure (suction) applied to the body manipulates soft tissue to create distinct changes in skin, fat, fascia, and muscle trajectories that help in tissue health, range of motion, pain and movement of fluids within the body.


About Mike

I have been providing Therapy for the past six years. My interest in the human body and its potential can be dated back as early as highschool. I performed really well in the areas of biology & PE, and loved playing competitive sports. It was then that I started thinking about furthering my education to provide a service that was grounded in health and well-being.  


While working as a massage therapist in Alberta for a year, it became very clear that I wanted to learn more about the structure and function of the human body. After considering options to further my education and knowledge base, I enrolled in the Manual Osteopathy Diploma Program. What this education has given me, is a broader perspective of the human body. It has helped to further assist in the uncovering of root problems of conditions and dysfunction, all-the-while allowing me to serve my community in a larger capacity.


As a connector, I enjoy working and collaborating as part of a team, and as an introvert, I enjoy the uniqueness of working one on one with clients. I am a life-long learner....





Where to find me

Apple iPhone 6,7,8 Plus.png


7585 5 St,

Grand Forks, BC

V0H 1H0

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